This training is a deep-dive into some of the most rock-solid, cutting-edge ways to handle a bully. If you are searching for options and tools to give your Champ to help keep them safe from the bully, these are some of the BEST ways your Champ can stay safe, build confidence and stop a bully problem before it even starts.

Here’s what’s inside your FREE training:

⭐ The #1 Thing That Bullies Look For In A Victim

⭐ 3 Easy, Simple And Fast-Start Confidence Creators Your Child Can Use From the Mental, Verbal, Physical System®.

⭐ Learn How To Build Massive Self-Confidence In Seconds Flat

⭐ FREE BONUS TIP: One Of The BEST Ways Your Child Can Help Create Safety If Confronted Face-To-Face By The Bully

⭐ Learn How To Scare The Bully Away (or AT LEAST convince them to look somewhere else for an easier target!😀😀)

⭐ Also Included: Downloadable Workbook With “Put It Into Practice Exercises” You Can Do At Home With Your Child

Meet Your Coach: Kevin Daniels

“First of all, I was that kid when I was in young and in school. Zero self-confidence, no self-esteem, bullied and walking around scared of my own shadow 24/7. And I paid a price for it…

Second, as a father I get what it’s like when your child comes home with a problem that seems a bit too big for you to help solve. And I know what it’s like when you wish you had the tools and options for them to handle their situation for good.

I’ve spent years developing the BEST ways for you to help build your Champ’s Self-Confidence and Bully Defense, and help stop any kind of bully problem before it even starts. Because avoidance is always our main goal. I have my favorite techniques, plus I created a small team of researchers in the field to help; including a Psychologist, a Championship Sports Mental Coach, and Professor of Psychology, and tips from this team are included in this program.

I earned my certification in Strategic Intervention Coaching through Robbins / Madanes Training, and was certified in Crisis Intervention and Prevention. I also have a black belt in HwaRang Do, am a Martial Arts Teachers Association Certified instructor, and in 2018 passed my Instructor Certification for Burton Richardson’s MMA For The Street program.

BUT BELIEVE ME… – I am nothing special. I’m just an average Joe. And if I can learn this stuff, so can you and your Champ!”


Here’s what others are saying:

My son has been working with Kevin on self esteem, peer pressure, dealing with bullying, positive communication, social skills and assertiveness. As a direct result, (my son) has improved significantly socially and emotionally. He has been able to foster healthier relationships, express himself in positive ways and handle difficult situations at school appropriately.
Marie R., CA
Parent, Master of Public Health (MPH)
I have had the honor to observe Kevin’s dedication and design to empower youth, by imparting self-worth and belief into their lives, and allow them the opportunity to realize the potential of growth they posses. I have seen the effective, positive impact first hand that his program has made.
Mitzi K., CA
High School Teacher, High School Athletic Coach
Kevin worked with a student in my class, who had difficulties with confidence, making friends, and interacting in and out of the classroom. With Kevin’s help and training, he began participating in class (answering questions, raising his hand, offering his opinion), he also began to make positive steps toward developing friendships, which have continued to last into this school year. This program is a great confidence builder for kids who need help feeling good about who they are and what they have to offer in this world.
July P., CA
Soon after completing the bullying classes, my son was confronted by the classroom bully. Kevin Daniel’s “buzz “ words came to his mind: Eagle Eyes, Defensive Stance, Vocal Commands. Having tools to deal with the challenges makes us more confident and less vulnerable.
Yvonne H., CA
I highly recommend Kevin Daniel’s Bully Defense 101 children’s program. I’ve known and worked with Kevin for many years, and besides being a kind, compassionate man of integrity, he is a superb fighter. He knows what works and what doesn’t.

What makes Kevin even more rare is that he can teach extremely well. Kevin has a talent for organizing and dispensing valuable knowledge in a way that anyone can absorb.
Burton Richardson
Black Belt Magazine Hall Of Fame inductee
Black Belt Magazine Self-Defense Instructor of the Year, 2015